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Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park extends to you a very great and awesome welcome. We are thrilled to have you here and we appreciate for trusting us. Whether you are visiting here for a day trip or having an overnight has something for everyone.

In addition, Tarangire National Park  is impressively splendid for its famous concentration of  wildlife mammals especially the elephants and it is also one of the finest birding destinations in East Africa.

Ntarangire national park - Umarella Voyage Safaris
The park has a good number of Elephants

The name of the park originates from the Tarangire River that crosses the park. And further, the National Park covers an undulating area of 2,600km2, between the plains of the Masai Steppe to the south-east. Again the lakes of the Great Rift Valley to the north and west. The northern part of Tarangire is dominated by the perennial Tarangire River. Further, it flows north and west until it leaves the north-western corner of the park to flow into Lake Burungi. In the south are a series of vast swamps which dry into verdant plains during the dry season.

The Elephat migration

Entering the park you will realize without doubt, the most impressive feature of Tarangire is the park’s elephant migration, when huge herds push through to Tarangire’s river system and swamps during the dry season. And due to the astonishing abundance of elephant in the park, this truly is a spectacular scene with over 500 species recorded to date, the park is truly a birdwatcher’s paradise.

Tree-climbing lions are fairly common, Cheetah, however, are relatively rare. Other carnivores that roam the rolling acacia and baobab woodlands, riverine forests and dense grass. For example hyena, jackal and wild dog, though wild dog are scarce and favour other areas within the Masai Steppe.

In addition to the enormous amounts of elephant, the park is chock-full of wildebeest, zebra, eland, impala, greater and lesser kudu, dik-dik, Coke’s hartebeest, Thomson’s gazelle, giraffe, buffalo, reedbuck, waterbuck, warthog, hippopotamus, mongoose and rock hyrax! There are even a couple of unusual antelope species – the fringe-eared oryx and the gerenuk. Black Rhino are very seldom seen here, but it is believed that a few individuals dwell in the more remote regions of the park.


Tarangire has a bimodal rainfall with short rains starting from November to December, long rains from March to May and dry season from June to October and January to February.

The park is located at an altitude between 900m and 1250meters with annual average rainfall ranging from 650 to 700mm.

How to get to Tarangire National Park

The Park is accessed by  two means that is by Road or by Air

Road: The park is 121km through a tarmac road from Arusha city and this can take you about two hours’ drive by road to reach the national

Air: The park is reached by flight from Kilimanjaro International Airport which is 46km from Arusha. Charted flights are also available from Arusha to Kuro Airstrip located inside the park

What to see in Tarangire National park

The Park has remarkable attractions with large groups of Elephants, spectacular natural beauty of savanna landscape and magnificent majestic Baobabs. Over 550 different bird species are recorded in the park, of which several are threatened or endemic.

Tarangire National Park
Hippos in the Park

Tarangire is noted as a safari destination for its large concentration of wildlife population. Animals for example elephants, eland, giraffe, lions, buffalo, cheetah. More so, leopards and zebra are easily spotted when you are in four-wheel drive with roof top that’s provides more chances of spotting wildlife and taking photographs for moments of wildlife safari memories.


Enjoy spotting a large batch of colorful and exclusive bird species. Over 500 different species are housed with swamps that are spread all over Tarangire. This makes an area an amazing destination for bird lovers. One wouldn’t mii to see breeding species of birds found in Tarangire than anywhere else on the planet. Plan your trip!

Baobab Trees

They can live up to 300 years and can grow trunks reaching more than 100feet in circumference. They have spent quite some time on the planet with a lot of history. So if only they could talk, they would surely get interesting storytellers!

Tarangire River

Are the only sources of water for thousands of animals in the dry season thus offering a fantastic game driving experience?

Termite Mounds

The mounds built of mud from underground and held together by termite saliva are always seen and they provide observation points for animals. It’s also a home to dwarf mongoose when abandoned

Activities in Tarangire National park

Tarangire National Park has different activities that are done once you have arrived at the Park. These activities include Day Game drive, Night Game Drive, Walking Safari, Filming and Photographing, Bush-meal, Hot air balloon safari, Birdwatching and Picnicking.

Walking Safari

This gives you a more learning experience about animals within the bushland and a better way of spotting animals within the bushland and a better way of spotting animals at a close range. It is mostly done in the morning and evenings and brings about a different scope and sense of adventure. It also conveys a different dimension in the whole safari experience

Day game drive

This is an adventure that entails viewing wildlife while in a car. Tarangire offers tourist an opportunity to explore the large herds of elephants alongside animals like giraffe, Oryx, starling, greater kudu, gazelle, heartbeats, wildebeest, zebra, lions, leopards and tree climbing pythons.

Night game

Going with a blanket sitting in an open vehicle under an African sky with the pretty stars is a moment to remember. The bush is completely a different world at night. You wouldn’t miss a night drive in Tarangire!

A night view with a touch of a Baobab and a milky-way.

Balloon safari

Balloon air flight in Tarangire will give you a different experience. Gliding across Tarangire river on your tour as the sunrise stains the plains pink. Further, the golden grassland dotted with giant baobab trees, the silver ribbons of the rivers and animals congregate in their hundreds in the early morning; all these make you the park of the natural world.

Bird watching

Tarangire is a great bird watching site with more than 500 species recorded. And  bird lovers should keep an eye open for flocks of dazzlingly colorful yellow –collared lovebirds and the somewhat drabber Rudous –tailed weaver and Ashy starling

Filming and Photographing


Tarangire is well supplied with public, private, permanent and seasonal camps. There are also permanent lodges both located within and outside the park. There is also a well-furnished rest house and student hostel.

Conclusively, Tarangire Park is  best known for its huge herds of plains animals (especially gnu [wildebeests], gazelles, and zebras), and it is the only place in Africa where vast land-animal migrations still take place

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